


In Infrastructure we have Water and Sanitation, which deals with the drinking water for the nation, solid waste removal (garbage pick up and disposal off the nation), wastewater (sewage), Parks and Beautification, cutting grass within the nation, nation buildings, elders’ homes and new home landscaping. Band Building maintenance, the up keep of all the band buildings and troubleshooting issues as they arise. Band Building system maintenance, overseeing the systems within the buildings. Roads and Construction, the maintenance of the nation’s roads, the rebuilding of the nation’s roads, and snow removal in the winter. Roads and Construction also builds the driveways of new houses within the nation, in conjunction with Housing.

As Senior Manager of Infrastructure, I oversee these areas of my branch with the help of my managers with each department. I also work closely with the Capital Projects Coordinator on all of the major projects within the nation. We work closely with the consultants that we hire for our projects and the contractors that we bring in to help us build within the nation. We represent the nation’s interests on these projects and keep leadership updated on the projects that we work on.


  • Troy McDonald Senior Manager 780-984-2662 Show Email


Community Improvements

Community Improvements

Coming Soon


  • Lee Morin Manager 780-860-3886
Public Building Maintenance

Public Building Maintenance

Coming Soon


Road Construction & Maintenance

Road Construction & Maintenance

Coming Soon


  • TBD Manager
Water & Sanitation

Water & Sanitation

Coming Soon


Building System Maintenance

Building System Maintenance

Coming Soon
