Planning & Development

Planning & Development


The Planning and Development Services division supports the sustainable development and stewardship of Enoch lands.

About Planning and Development


  • Ensure that land use and other plans are developed, implemented, adopted and amended.
  • Ensure that infrastructure and servicing plans for the Nation align with the land use plan.
  • Establish and implement land use laws and zoning regulations.
  • Establish and implement a process for approving land development projects.
  • Develop and implement an environmental management framework.
  • Ensure the appropriate land instruments are in place as they relate to approved development projects or land use activities.
  • Provides advice, negotiation and administration of service agreements with neighboring jurisdictions.
  • Safeguard Treaty and Indigenous rights by participating in Nation-Crown-Industry consultation processes related to projects on reserve and throughout our traditional territory.
  • Ensure community consultation is an ongoing process as it relates to land development projects.


  • Sally Thomas Senior Manager 780-707-1884 Show Email


Planning Department

Planning Department

Planning Services provides ongoing planning and coordination of land development to ensure that projects are sustainable, environmentally sound, and align with the short and long-term vision established by our community.

  • Prepares land use and community plans.
  • Enforces land use laws, zoning regulations, and policies.
  • Processes applications for proposed commercial and industrial development on Enoch Cree Nation land.
  • Provides professional assistance with all aspects of the development process.

Collaborates with the City of Edmonton and Parkland County on land use issues along shared borders.


  • Chris Morin.Sr Planning Coordinator 780-906-3122 Show Email


We promote sustainable development and sound management practices as guiding stewards of our lands. We are committed to managing, protecting, and improving our lands in a manner to serve the needs of the Maskêkosak people. Management of our lands is based upon environmental responsibility within the principles of multiple uses and sustainable development of our Nation’s resources for future generations.

Services we provide:

  • Agricultural leases and permits
  • Utility permits
  • Oil and gas agreements
  • Land allotments for housing
  • Land referendums and Designations
  • Matrimonial Real Property
  • Monitoring and compliance of all land agreements within the Nation
  • Provide services for certificate of possession and certificate of occupation holders including land transfers, land searches, parcel abstracts and land payments.
  • Survey request and approvals
  • Additions to Reserve

Enoch Cree Nation Lands Department brochure


  • Brenda Thomas Lands Coordinator 780-470-4505 Show Email
  • Cody Morin Coordinator 780-470-4505 Show Email


The Environment department aims to protect our land, conserve natural resources and regulate development. Through planning, policy development, conservation, status evaluation, and regulation & administration; environmental management aims to mitigate and deter any adverse effects on the ecosystem, while preserving the land for future generations.

  • Provides environmental reviews and project planning support for all capital infrastructure projects, economic land development projects and contaminated sites.
  • Supports, and reviews Environmental Assessments required for proposed land use activities and remediation plans for contaminated sites.
  • Implements a field monitoring system for activities which may have an adverse impact on the environment for Enoch reserve and traditional lands.
  • Conducts research, develops plans, strategies and policies for Enoch environmental protection and resource management.
  • Conducts regular environmental compliance inspections of all land use activities, facilities and boundaries of Enoch lands.

Community outreach activities to increase awareness of environmental issues and encourage collective stewardship.


  • Noami Torres Environmental Stewardship Coordinator Show Email


The Consultation Department is tasked with engaging in meaningful consultation within the context of distinctive First Nation Inherent, Treaty and Constitutionally protected rights in accordance with the provincial and federal mandated consultation process.

Typically, the consultation process begins with a notification package from a proponent with project details, maps, and other relevant documents pertaining to what will be developed within our traditional territory. The consultation department will then deliberate initially if the project infringes on our treaty rights and then will set up a site visit with an elder/knowledge holder and environmental monitor to determine our concerns. Once the site visit is completed, we then take the reports from the elder/knowledge holder and monitor and return to the proponent with our concerns and mitigation measures we want met for the project to continue in our territory. Other times we have little concerns in an area, other times we have critical concerns and we will outright object to a project if it is needed.

  • Facilitation of effective and meaningful consultation between Industry, Government and Enoch Cree Nation.
  • Coordinating and participating in Traditional Use Site Assessments.
  •  Provision of recommendations to mitigate adverse impacts resulting from land use change and development.
  • Ensuring that our treaty and inherent rights to the land are respected and asserted in negotiations.
  • Following the natural laws and abiding to our kinship ties to all living beings throughout our consultation process.


  • Stephana Morin Consultation Coordinator 780-470-4505 ext.2313 Show Email
Oil & Gas Compliance

Oil & Gas Compliance

Oil & Gas Compliance department is required to ensure that Oil and Gas transactions follow all relevant laws and regulations while providing advice on compliance. Oil and Gas Compliance department strives to provide stewardship throughout the entire oil and gas life cycle.


  • Ensuring all legislative and contractual requirements are met through
  • Operate in a legal and ethical manner to meet our Nation’s environmental objectives.
  • Working directly with Indian Oil and Gas Canada, Alberta Energy regulators and other government agencies.
  • Liaise between the oil company and Enoch Cree Nation members
  • Work towards reclaiming our lands back to original state


  • Bryant McDonald Oil & Gas Compliance Coordinator 780-470-4505 Show Email