

paminikēwin watihkwan


Enoch Cree Nations Administration includes Enoch Cree Nations' Branch Directors, Managers and Staff Members.




The Finance Branch is a trusted partner with the Nation's leadership, management and members in helping ECN achieve its vision and mission.

Community Safety First Responders Branch

Community Safety First Responders Branch

kiskinahamākewin (Education Division/KEA)


kiskinahamākewin (Education Division/KEA)

Our Elders, educators and others recognize the priceless benefits of a balanced approach to learning.

Culture and Language

nehiyaw pimâtisiwin watihkwan

Culture and Language

Unity through Culture is another of our Nation's strategic priorities. Through the workers’ dedication and diligence, this priority has been advanced via numerous programming activities and gatherings.

mamowicitowin Admin

kiskokamik watihkwan

mamowicitowin Admin

We are in a transition phase in moving into one Facility. We require a lot of patience as we make huge moves to creating a division that serves in unity. Stay tuned for updates!

Health Management & Support – miyo macihowin

miyo machihowin watihwkan

Health Management & Support – miyo macihowin

miyo machihowin translates as good health, the miyo macihowin department consists of the several health promoting programs.

maskêkosak newowacistwan nâtamâkêwin society

maskêkosak newowacistwan nâtamâkêwin

maskêkosak newowacistwan nâtamâkêwin society

The maskêkosak newowacistwan nâtamâkêwin society is mandated to oversee the support services for maskêkosihk (Land of the Medicine) that will promote, protect, and support the well-being, resilience, and strength of our children, youth and families.

Planning & Development

Planning & Development

The Planning and Development Services division supports the sustainable development and stewardship of Enoch lands.



The Enoch Housing Authority is here to help our community live comfortably.



We represent the nation’s interests on these projects and keep leadership updated on the projects that we work on.